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                                        According to judges 14:5-9

Very beloved brothers and sisters, nowadays, just to exist and live has became a big challenge, actually some of youhere today, had problems to start the day,
Some of you, in the past and present are struggling and facing very hard time, and in the middle of it....we are asking and making a lot questions...
Like....why?  Why to me.....?...why to us....why to my family.....

Let s take a look into the Old Testament story, let's see Samson 's life.

5 principles to get honey from the Rock:

1) face your problems.....don't run away.........because God has not given us spirit of fear....

2) the obidience produces honey from the Rock......psalms 81:16

3)to be humble, make the doors of heaven to be open in our favor......2 chronics 7:14

4) stay believing in the Lord, even the situation of your life is the  worse....Mary and Peter....when Sunday morning went to see removed rock of Jesus tumb.

5) live a life of expectations........apostle the Patmos island.

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샌안토니오 한인감리교회 Korean Global Methodist Church of San Antonio Tel: 210-341-8706 / Add: 5705 Blanco Rd. San Antonio TX 78216